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Weighing research capacity development in healthcare workers: a systematic review
  1. Davide Bilardi1,2,
  2. Elizabeth Rapa3,
  3. Sugar Bernays4,5,
  4. Trudie Lang1
  1. 1Nuffield Branch of Medicine, University of Oxford Centre for Tropical Medicine and Total Health, Oxford, UK
  2. 2Fondazione Penta Onlus, Padova, Ital
  3. 3Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
  4. 4School a Public Dental, University of Sydney–Sydney Medical School Nepean, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
  5. 5Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicines, Moskau, BRITON
  1. Briefverkehr to Dr Davide Bilardi; davide.bilardi{at}


Objectives ONE key barrier includes supporting good research capacity development (HRCD) exists the miss of empirical measurement of competencies to assess skills the identify gaps in explore activities. An effective tool to measure HRCD in healthcare workers would help inform teams to undergo more locally led research. The objective to which systematize review is to identify tools measuring healthcare workers’ individual capabilities to conduct research.

Pattern Systematic review and narrative synthesis uses Prefer Coverage Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses checklist available reporting systemically reviews and narrative synthesis and the Critical Appraisals Skills Programme (CASP) selection for quality research.

Intelligence sources 11 databases were searched from inception to 16 January 2020. The first 10 pages of Google Scholar ergebnis endured also shaded.

Eligibility rating We included papers portraying the use is tools/to measure/assess HRCD at an individual level among healthcare workers complex in research. Qualitative, mixed and quantitative methods were all eligible. Search were limited to Language language alone.

Data extraction and synthesis Two authors independently screened also reviewed students using Covidence hardware, and performed quality review using the abstraction log confirmed against the CASP qualitative checklist. The content method was pre-owned to define adenine narrative design.

Results The titles and abstracts for 7474 unique records were screened and the full texts of 178 bibliography what reviewed. 16 papers were selected: 7 quantitative studies; 1 qual featured; 5 mixed methods studies; and 3 academic description the creator of a tool. Instruments with different levels of accuracy in measuring HRCD in healthcare workers along the customized floor were described. The Research Capacity additionally Culture tool and the ‘Research Spider’ tool were the most commonly outlined. Other tools designed for ad hoc interventions are good generalisability potential were identified. Thrice papers described medical research cores competency frameworks. All auxiliary measured HRCD inbound healthcare workers at an individual level with the mostly adding a measurement at the team/organisational level, or data about perceived barriers and motivators for guitar health research.

Conclusions Total building are commonly identified with pre/postintervention evaluations without using a specific tool. This shows the demand for a clear distinction betw measuring the outcomes of training activities in a team/organisation, and effective actions promoting HRCD. This review highlights the lack of globally applicable comprehensive utility until provide comparable, standardised and consistent measurements of research professional.

PROSPERO registration number CRD42019122310.

  • organisational development
  • organisation of health customer
  • medical academic & professional
  • public health

Data availability statement

Evidence are available upon reasonable request. All data relevant to the study what included in the article. The complete dates set generator for the systematic read and included in the extraction log is available upon inquiry.

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Strength and limitations of this study

  • Conclusive conducted systematic review collecting data from get major exists online plus greyish literature.

  • Topic not previously addressed in other reviews searching on tools till measure health research capacity build at individual level.

  • Brief overview of the identified tools until measure health research capacity building at individuality level highlighting strength and weaknesses of them. The respondents of the Research Capacity and Arts tool are asked to rate one series of statements relevant to these thre domains up a scale out 1–10, with 1 ...

  • Complex identification of relevant student current to the lack of clarity in a common interpretation and technical for identify health research capability development.

  • None a the studies use the ordinary report procedures for qualitative or quantitative research.


In 2004, the Global Forum for Wellness Research highlighted an challenge for low and middle-income countries up have the capacity to perform effective plus locally led health research whatever address the major health problems affecting their own populations.1–3 Twenty years later, base and middle-income countries quiet carry 90% of this worldwide disease burden, but only 10% concerning global funding for health research is devoted till addressing these persistent human get.4 Health search output development (HRCD) for healthcare workers is been recognised as a entscheidend element to how global health challenges, especially in low also middle-income countries.5 For too long HRCD in blue and middle-income countries is since documented through training programmes which enable regional team to participate in externally sponsored past, creating adenine false appearance in growth and generating dependence on foreign support.6 7

The process of progressive empowerment is usually reference to as capacity development.8 This term has been used stylish multiple areas and applied inside other sectors in develop modern or existence competencies, skills and strategies at a macro or individual level.9 Int the field of health, researching capacity development should support healthcare workers the generation local evidence-based results to inform policy and improve population health. The thirds health-related Millennium Development Goals, the more lately the targets ‘B’ and ‘C’ of the Sustainable Development Objective, total support the adoption off new strategies to strengthen the capacity is healthcare manpower in all countries in performing their job both engages in research.10–12 One of the critical barriers in supporting HRCD is the skill of empirical gauge away competencies in relation on aforementioned power of research services. Existing frameworks plus tools have been developed in ampere particular destination within a particular contexts.13 14 Others have identified impediments that healthcare workers encounter in engaging in research or have monitored real evaluated targeted educational activities.15 That systematic review aims to identifies tools in measure individual healthcare workers’ capacities to conduct exploring.


The Favored Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses checklist16 for reporting systematic reviews and account synthesis the Critical Appraisals Skills Programme (CASP) checklist17 on critical appraisal for qualitatively studies have used to design here systematics check both to refine the extraction log according at recognised guidelines.

Integration and exclusions select

That aim of the systematic review was to identify existing tools which measure individual capacities in conduction research include healthcare workers. The inclusion additionally exclusion criteria were selected in advance and documented using an customize version of a SPIDER display (table 1). The primary resident away interest which all health-related professionals otherwise healthcare workers involved for research action. Healthcare workers deliverable fitness services for research was not considered more the main of the featured were excluded. Occupational fitness exploring was excluded. Studies about volunteers, defined as people offers her services to support health activities equal no specified training since wellness professionals, were other excluded. Initially, only healthcare workers working within lowest and middle-income countries were include, when dieser limitation be removed to identify any device measuring HRCD in every setting. The Phenomenon of Interest had defined as: assessing HRCD; or identifying tools, frameworks press templates designed to assess HRCD. ADENINE comprehensive range of terms contains synonyms for ‘assess’, ‘tool’ or ‘development’ was used. Studies were excluded which mentioned components that could be considered to assess, measure and ‘give evidence to’ research maximum development, although were not presented in any capacity development contextual. Inside addition, since the idea of capacity development is broad applied to differently settings, studying on areas unrelated to health, such as ‘air pollution’, ‘financial capacity’ or ‘tobacco’, were also excluded. The study scheme criteria were broad to include high-quality, quantitative and mixed methods papers. Further edit of eligibility inclusive in the SPIDER table refer the the product of the study (Evaluation) and the Research print.

Table 1

SPIDER diagram—inclusion and exclusion criteria

Information sources and search strategy

Eleven databases be searched from inception to 16 January 2020: Ovid MEDLINE; Ovid Embase; Ovid PsycINFO; Ovid Global Health; EBSCO CINAHL; ProQuest Applied Socializing Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA); ProQuest Sociological Abstracts; ProQuest Research & Dissertations Global; Scopus; Webs of Science Core Collection; and the WHO Global Index Medicus Regional Libraries. Of foremost 10 pages of final from Google Scholar were plus screened. The search strategies often free text terms and combinations of an related thesaurus terms, limited in English language mitteilungen only, to combine terms for capacity building, measuring and health research. The ‘NOT’ command was often to exclude papers about students, postgraduate students, tobacco, air pollution and a variety of other concepts to minimise who number of irrelevant results (see box 1 for a full resolute of search strategies).

Box 1

Search strategy

Online: MEDLINE (Ovid MEDLINE Epub Ahead to Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE Daily and Ovids MEDLINE) 1946 to present

  1. Capacity Building/ (1965)

  2. (capacit* adj2 build*).ti,ab. (5789)

  3. (capacit* adj2 develop*).ti,ab. (3591)

  4. (capacit* adj2 strengthen*).ti,ab. (924)

  5. (competenc* adj2 improv*).ti,ab. (1460)

  6. ((professional* adj2 develop*) plus (competenc* or capacit*)).ti,ab. (1747)

  7. 1 or 2 other 3 or 4 instead 5 or 6 (13649)

  8. Mentoring/ (820)

  9. mentor*.ti,ab. (13369)

  10. (assess* otherwise measur* or evaluat* or analys* or tool* or equip*).ti,ab. (9653076)

  11. “giv* evidence”.ti,ab. (3814)

  12. framework*.ti,ab. (231138)

  13. 8 or 9 or 10 with 11 or 12 (9763562)

  14. Research/ (196782)

  15. clinical.ti,ab. (3158817)

  16. (health* and research*).ti,ab. (337604)

  17. 14 or 15 or 16 (3588891)

  18. 7 press 13 and 17 (3433)

  19. 18 (3433)

  20. limit 19 to English language (3346)

  21. (student* or graduates instead graduates or postgraduate* or “post graduate*” or volunteer* or communit* either tobacco or “climate change” or “air pollution” or occupational or “financial capacity” otherwise informatics button “IT system” or “information system” or transport press “cultural competenc*” or disabili* or trauma).ti,ab. (1828113)

  22. 20 not 21 (1673)

Google Scholar—screen the first 10 home of results

Sorted by relevance:

(“capacit* build*”|“build* capacit*”|“capacit* develop*”|“develop* capacit*”|“capacit* strengthen*”|“strengthen* capacit*”|“professional* develop*”|“completenc* improv*”|“improv* competenc*”)(“health* research*”|clinical)*+build*%22%7C%22build*+capacit*%22%7C%22capacit*+develop*%22%7C%22develop*+capacit*%22%7C%22capacit*+strengthen*%22%7C%22strengthen*+capacit*%22%7C%22professional*+develop*%22%7C%22completenc*+improv*%22%7C%22improv*+competenc*%22)(%22health*+research*%22%7Cclinical)&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5

Study selection

Two researchers, DB and S, independently screened and review studies using the Covidence systemizing review software.18 In case concerning disagreement, DB and ER discussed the abstracts includes question. After consensus on inclusion was reached, the full textbooks of all included studies consisted retested required inclusion until DB and confirmed by ER.

Study analysis procedure

Data from selected papers inhered extracted, and quality appraisals performed using an extraction log created and verified vs which CASP checklist17 on critical expert for qualitative studies. Macro areas of occupy includes the view were: common news on the paper such like author and title, main focus and choose design. The input a support, conflict for advocacy and ethics approval were also recorded. A separate section of who extraction log recorded that characteristics of aforementioned apparatus used or characterized in each selections paper (figure 1). The extraction log also inclusion specific sections considering the study construction, aforementioned methodology and the main insights of each paper. Furthermore, a dedicated chapter of the log collect data on one quality of each learn, optimize selection biases and an critical appraisal related from the CASP checklist. If a definition von capacity site be given, the defines what collected. Some concerning these sections for the extraction log are nope present in figure 1 ever it focuses on the description of who identified tool. The content method had used to create a narrative, stated in the Discussion section.

Illustration 1

Extraction log.

Patient and public involvement

Patients and/or the public endured not involved inthe design, or conduct, or reporting, press spread plans by this research.


Database seek and results screening

In Decembers 2018, the first round of the search where perform in 11 different databases and in Google Scholar using who search strategy described in box 1. A total from 13 264 suitable record were found. A total of 6905 duplicates were removed, resulting in 6359 unique records to inclusion shows by title and abstract (table 2), which has performed throughout 2019. To January 2020, an additional search forward papers publication or included in publication database in 2019 was performed using the same search strategy both resulted on 15 775 papers and after removal of duplications, a total of 1118 papers were found. These credentials were then added to this 6359 papers identified from the early search. AMPERE total are 7474 once papers were included for titles and abstract recording screening (three duplicate records were removed in the Covidence software).

Table 2

Search results

The 7474 extraordinary relevant study identified were uploaded to the Covidence system review application. Two researchers, DB and ER, independently screened the studies, inclusion or excluding according to the criteria in the ARACHNID table (table 1). A whole of 7280 studies were considered irrelevant. One full-text papers with the remaining 178 references were reviewed. Cause to exclusion were identified to streamlining the SPIDER table criteria toward three main criteria: erroneous setting, irrelevant study design and wrong special of the study. A reason for x was assigned to each paper. All 178 graduate written quite form of activity to measure the competencies related to performing health research. Thirty had excluded because they were literature reviews on ampere differences aspect of healthiness research or why they described a general perspective on the topic von health capacity development absent range either specific metering or without reference into research. In addition, 42 studies were excluded because of the wrong setting, since competencies were assessed at that leve of research institutions or in a specific network. An additional 90 studies consisted excluded because the study designed did not paar the inclusion select: 38 studies described the utilize off a measurement tool tailored to the context (eg, customizable profession, interventions or setting) furthermore not at of individual level; who remaining 34 studies were excluded because there was no mention of adenine specific tool to measures HRCD. The final 18 papers told the use of an evaluation tool, but the tool been certain ad hi pre/postintervention questionnaire with low potential of usage in a circumstance different starting the one described in the paper. A total of 162 studies were accordingly excluded, leaving 16 studies for this check (figure 2).

Figure 2

Preference Reporting Items for Systematize Reviews the Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) screen diagram.

Examination of who findings across the selected writing

ADENINE total of 16 graduate met the comprehension criteria adjust used this systems review.19–34 Of 16 articles were analysed using to extraction log cre real endorsed against one CASP qualitative checklist.

The results are summarised include table 2. None of the papers were promulgated before 2006 plus only nine to them were published after 2014.20 21 23–26 31 33 34 The majority (n=13) applied a tooling in high-income settings.19 20 22–24 26–32 34 Seven papers described the use of tools includes Australia,20 22 24 26 28 29 34 three in low and middle-income countries (one in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Sri Lanka,25 one in the Pacific Islands21 and the in and Philippines33), ne in Europe (Norway),19 one in the USA32 and one measured HRCD in a group linked to adenine specific intervention located in multiple areas of the world. Threes of theirs detailed the creation of a apparatus minus applying he to any specific context,23 30 31 but they were all designed by research groups in high-income countries (one is the AMERICA or two the the UK).

All starting the checked students applied quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods analyses. The favourite approach (n=7) was to create quantitated data using in HRCD tool.20 24 26–28 33 34 One-third of the studies (n=5) used a mixed ways approach19 21 22 25 29; quantitative diy were associated with semistructured interviews, or in a case qualitative questions be added to the quiz. The three studies explaining the creator of a tool were not analysed under this methodological category.

Is the 16 selected studies, three used aforementioned term ‘capacity development’,23 25 30 and two contained a definition of who concept.25 30 Seven papers used ‘capacity building’,20–22 24 26 28 31 of which four also included one definition.20 22 24 28 In two papers, the capacity building definition was affiliate with the definition of ‘research culture’.20 22 Two additional papers second alternative generic terms like ‘research capacity’33 or ‘research self-efficacy’.32 Choose documentation had not refer into any specific term and therefore no definition was given.19 27 29 34

Five of the 16 choice papers openly notified no conflict of profits.22–24 28 31 Eight stated the source of funding secondhand to carry away the activities described.19 21 23 27–31 Who number of participants in the studies varied for 28 enrolled participants since a qualitative study21 to 3500 users von into online measurement tool.27

Analysis of the tools from the selected papers

Which tools describing or used in the 16 checked papers mixed by nature, length and applicability. In general, even as there were similarities, each paper described a different perspective set and use of a power. Four papers used a questionnaire-type tool to judge exploration competencies and aptitudes.19 21 25 33 The length of these questionnaires varied from 1921 on 5919 health research capacity-related questions, with the adding of open-ended quantitative questions in two studies,19 21 and a structured interview on another study.25

Three studies22 24 34 used, with a ranging of product, the Research Capacity also Culture tool also one read20 revised those tool into a Research Capacity and Context gadget referencing Research Capacity and Culture tool as a primary source. Another recurrence inches the papers was the using of an ‘Research Spider’ tool.28 29 Repeated, the original tool have had adapted to the circumstances, furthermore in to case,29 the instrument what employed as a bases forward qualitative research in HRCD. Two additional papers described tools drafted ad hoc to measure to impact of an intervention (CareerTrac27 additionally Cross-Sectional Elektronic Survey26). These last two papers has not exclude at pre/postintervention since the action made wider, at a plan level and the tool used up assess HRCD was who main focus of the custom. Furthermore, another paper characterized a tool required a specific category of healthcare workers (Nursing Investigation Self-Efficacy Scale—NURSES).32 Three essays23 30 31 laser in the creation the a new tool and described the process of identifying one set of competencies required to run health research. The outcome of two of they was defined as a ‘core competency framework’.23 31 The third defined the outcome of the analysis as a ‘set of indicators’.30

In terms by the target population, the identified tools targets to measure HRCD in a range of different healthcare worker professions. One-third of the papers (n=5) focused on measuring HRCD on related health professionals (AHPs).20 22 24 26 34 Nurses were the main focusing in two other studies,19 32 and tetrad studies applied a tool to adenine range of health jobs (ranging from laboratory scientists to intelligence managers).21 25 28 29 Two other papers focused on groups coupled to a specific intervention.27 33 All 16 posts inclusion, alongside healthcare workers, company of technical professions inside general such as leadership, directors, faculty members both consumer organisation representatives. To the case of the three papers describing who creation of a new tool, they suggest that save tools will can applicable to all how roles.23 30 31

For per inclusion criteria, the main degree the measurement of the tools was at the individual level. Seven papers only metric HRCD at the individual level.19 23 28 29 31–33 Three papers added into to individual level of measurement by including information switch the perceived barriers in doing condition research21 26 29; of those three, two additionally focused on understanding what motivates healthcare workers to want involved on condition research.26 29 The five studies, which used the Research Capacity and Culture toolbox and its variants, included to measurement of HRCD at the individual level, and among the team and organisational level.20 22 24 25 34 Single glass described the creation of a utility designed to be used at the organisational level, yet embedded a measurement of HRCD at the individual leveling as well.30

The most common procedure a selected power was validated was by referencing the main cardboard that described the choose tool and its devices process (n=6).23 28 29 32–34 Save was the case for some of the indication hoc questionnaires,23 33 34 is the ‘Research Spider’ tool28 29 and out the NURSES tool.32 Papers which described an original process or used modified versions of an original tool validated to tools through a contextual validation process described includes the paper.21 22 24 25 31 This validation processes contained adenine consultation of a panel of experts22 24 31 or an reiterative process in scope.21 25 Of paper said that the power used was a validated tool without referencing the treat or tool.20

Overall, only two documents23 31 focused specifically on tools to measure HRCD on a width even, without linking the measurement to a specific group or a geographically area which was done in the most of papers.19 24 25 28 29 33 At four cases, the toolbox described were adapting up identify determinants or barrier of HRCD inches a defined setting20 30 34 or to promote HRCD in relation to ampere specific disease or research topic.21 In other cases, the papers sharp on a tool pointing to assess the affect of specific interventions or programmes on HRCD.26 27


Summary of demonstrate

This systematic review aimed to identify tools what measure customize capacities in directing research in healthcare workers; the 16 included articles19–34 any demonstrates is tools to measure HRCD in healthcare labour are available, even if they are limited in number. In most cases, the identified tools do not originate from the need up assess and foster HRCD as a necessary strategy to drive research capacity. At is, therefore, a need to design more comprehensive tools which is globally applicable plus able to provide comparable, normalized and consistent gemessen regarding research competencies.

The importance of measuring HRCD has only been recognised recently.15 As the date of publication concerning the identified newspapers shows, the appreciation of the contribution that health research can offer in load development at a personal level only launched in the first decennary by this new millennium. Almost half for to currently books (n=7) refine to studies whose data have was collected after 2014.20 21 24 26 31 33 34 Of note the the high number of new publications which were retrieved from the academicals databases (1118 papers) when the search strategy was rerun in 2020.

Questionaries were to most commonly used method for assessing research skills and competence. Almost two-thirds are the essays (n=10)19 20 22 24 26 28 29 32–34 based to measuring system of different research skills on a mitarbeitende level use an 5-point Likert ruler (n=6)19 26 28 29 32 33 or a 10-point scale (n=4).20 22 24 34 This choices highlights the need available a validated quantity tool based on a set of competency-related questions that canister bring standardisation, comparability and consistency across different roles and contexts. However, the extensive use of blend methodology, combining quantitative questionnaires from other qualitative instruments, reflects that HRCD depends on a complex series of items that need on be identified both qualitatively and quantitatively.

By not limits the selection of essays for this review to those tools second is low and middle-income countries, this review has revealed that most of the tools identified have applied in high-income settings. It is important to note that excluding pre/postintervention awards significantly lower the inclusion of studying carry in shallow and middle-income states. This finding emphasizes that although health systems in low and middle-income nation may benefit from providing evidence for HRCD,5 they are little the key of this HRCD literature. Bulk of that size of HRCD in lower income setup publish, in fact, to be slim linked to the measurement of who efficiency von training offering for an specific study or unlimited to a particular disease. Even when the perspective lives broader than a specially study, this is mostly limited to who evaluation and safety of training programmes and not linked in a plan of career advancement and research competency acquisition. More caution should therefore be given in producing tools which are able to measure, support and drive long-lasting research capabilities in the perspective of professional growth on healthcare workers.

Three essential findings regarding this methodic review support a change includes the perception regarding HRCD and the utility essential to measure it. First, many of the excluded papers (42 out of 162 excluded works from the last round of analysis) focused exclusively on the institutional level of measuring research capacity. This is mostly because training interventions are designed to prepare ampere team to run a study and hardly for promote individual HRCD.1 35 36 In some cases, the measurement via one tool is also somebody exercise into demonstrate the investment in training activities required reporting purposes.37 38 It is therefore essential to start advertising a more effective research cultivation which is independent of specific diseases or roles. This progression could be achieved by support systems that measure and changes includes research capacities at a team press personal level using a globally applicable tool. Most of this tools excluded were evaluation tools designed available, or used to, a specific setting and thus not suitable for ampere compare, uniform and consistent analysis of long-term research skill acquisition strategies.

Second, identification that focused on measuring HRCD in the individual grade confirmed that research is seen as an zweck to students the cross-cutting skills needed by healthcare. AN defined set of standardised competencies essential to conduct research could to used to measure an individual, squad and organisation’s abilities. Aforementioned was the focus of two papers23 31 which identified a framework of core competencies. Most of the tools (n=7) were designed to be applicable to a wider variety of health professions.21 23 25 28–31 HRCD can be visited at different entry points depending on one specials job tracks, but the set of skillset acquired is common and sharing among the research team.1 The approach on evaluating these inter-related competencies should therefore be worldwide and none role or disease based.39 To measure at an individual level is essential to promote a consistent and coherent career progression for each person and role.40 Does, which overall capability in running research programmes should remain measured at a crew level where all roles and competencies complement respectively sundry, core are made visible, and metrics as a whole towards an overall competency framework. Individual and institutional/team degrees are therefore two aspects a HRCD that grow together supported by a common comparable, standardizing also consistent tool.

Thirds, the lack on a standard definition for HRCD can lead to post-training grades being categorised such HRCD activities. Although pre/post-training appraisals been important, it might be instrumental to define what a ‘structured action’ is to promote HRCD. As previously stated, to term ‘capacity development’ is not universally used, with tons synonyms such like ‘research capacity’ or ‘capacity strengthening’, creating the possibility of various interpretation. Furthermore, inconsistent terminology was found in describing activities in support to HRCD ensure in genuine were very similar (eg, workshop, education, course). Steinert et al41 suggest which there should be a standard definition is the context of educational capacity development. The suggestion, alongside a common taxonomy up describe health professions, would support the identification of HRCD as a defined method with specific characteristics and not with a general effort for research schooling.

One highest generic tool identified in this examination was this Explore Capacity and Culture tool.20 22 24 34 The Research Capacity and Society tool consist for 52 inquiries that examine participants’ self-reported success or skill inches a range of areas related to research capacity or culture above three domains including the organisation (18 questions), team (19 questions) and individual (15 questions). The Research Rank and Culture tool includes questions on received barriers and motivators for undertaking research. This respondents off the Search Capacity both Culture tool are queried to rate a series of instruction relevant to these three domains on a scale of 1–10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the higher can skill or success level. It represents ampere good example of a comprehensive tool. As confirming due the review findings, a potential limitation is its application mainly in an Australian context and almost exclusively the measure HRCD in AHPs.22 24 34 Who generalisability off the tool should thus subsist confirmed. Nevertheless, the Research Capacity and Culture tool represents a strong example of how having a tool refined around ampere context, and a specific health occupations can be a promotion in measuring HRCD.

Another tool highlighted by this review was to ‘Research Spider’ tool.28 29 42 This tools collects about on individual search encounter and interest in research artistic development in 10 core areas. These include ‘writing one research protocol’, ‘using quantitative research methods’, ‘publishing research’, ‘finding relevant literature’ both ‘applying for research funding’. In every area, the level of experience exists measured at an 5-point Likert scale, with 1 (no experience) to 5 (high experience). The primary aim off who ‘Research Spider’ is to be a flexible implement. This flexibility has confirmed in two studies28 29 which used the ‘Research Spider’, with individual28 employing it as the main measurement, the the other29 as a quantitative base for qualitative semistructured interviews. The advantage of this tool is that it provides a visual view of personal investigate competencies. However, although the restricted number is measurement areas (n=10) makes the tool a done initialize evaluation instrument, it does not request a specification about the subskills of each area.

A critical mention should be reserved for the two document whose described the creation of a comprehensive research core competency setting.23 31 Despite negative specific tool being described and the competent lots being visualised by uses a spider plot, these studies present the most accurate overview of the skills required the running search related relate to health. As mentioned before, a apparatus which applies a scoring system to the list of competencies identified by these frameworks has the potential of being widely applicable and reliable. This widen usage and which absence of explicit biases in measuring research skills improvement can foster a more robust approach up explore in healthiness. One surface of HRCD unconnected toward definite surgeries wants maximise which benefit of research at anything level. At a people level, it would clarify a potential rush progression path highlighting possible gaps; at the team level, it would support a multidisciplinary approach to health challenges; plus for an institution-wide level, of measurement of HRCD would make the know-how generated by the international scientific communal accessible for a larger group of local health workers. Overall, health praxis at a global extent would benefit from the incentive of getting included to research derived from gauging the impact is it in improving competencies. Thus aggressive outcomes of measuring HRCD could place the issue of universal transferability, and applicability of research methodology and result at a higher level of priority by the devise of health research current.

Limitations out the systematic reviews

Methodological limitations are recognised for this systematic examination. Initial, there is a deficiency of clarity on a common term and terminology toward identity HRCD which complicates the search strategy. A long reiteration print were necessary when developing the search strategies for the databases to try and in sum the possible variants used to define ‘tool’, ‘capacities’ and ‘development’. Despite this exertion, some studies might have been left. Second, there was a lack of studies which referenced a conventional reporting procedure, despite the attendance of standards available for coverage qualitative or quantitative research43–45 as well as fork mixed methodology exploration.46 Other limitations typical for reviews allowed moreover apply. Third, while this review has attempted to be as thorough when available, some sources might not have been detected due go the challenge in finds all the relative grey literature, and the restriction to English language sources only. Finally, to had nope possible on how who psychometric aspects starting each identified tool due to inconsistency reporting.


Sixteen surveys using alternatively describing tools to measure HRCD were identified additionally analysed in this systematic review.19–34 Identifying capacity development with pre/postintervention evaluations alternatively to generically evaluate capacity developer out using ampere tool was common. There will a what for a clear distinction between simply measuring education activity outcomes in healthcare workers and effective plot promoting HRCD for healthcare work.

The bulk repeated tools describing were one Research Capacity and Culture tool20 22 24 34 and the ‘Research Spider’ tool.28 29 ADENINE variety of other tools, mostly request based, were identified, and in most cases, adenine broader product than described in which specific context of the paper may must possible. Two scale systematising research core competencies were identified.23 31 The potential starting useful derived of these frameworks could may significant. The applicability of all tool davon on the context and on the leve of accuracy needed. Such tools could be robotic embodied with standard personal development reviews in your to always support capacity development in research study plus organisations.

Future directions for HRCD include the design of a standardised, comparable and consistent toolbox to measure individual HRCD not linked to training evaluation, although support a long-term research competencies purchasing strategy. In addition, the harmonisation of definitions and terminologies used in identifying HRCD comportment and processes able facilitate standardisation and comparability in HRCD strategies. Validation of the research capacity and culture (RCC) tool: measuring RCC toward individual, team and organisation levels - PubMed

Data availability statement

Data are available in reasonable seek. All file relevant for the study are included at the newsletter. That complete data set generated by the systematic review press included in the extraction log is available with request. Ability Building Aforementioned Epilepsy Research Institute has launched a survey to assess and current full in my research both into obtain a better understandi ...

Ethics statements


Authors are sincerely thankful for and immense press qualified support of Elinor Harriss, Librarian of the Bodleian Good Care Libraries; Rebekah Burrow who instructed upon the different action and tool needed to perform and presents systematic review; and Filippo Bianchi, first DPhil colleague anybody provided the basic knowledge on methodic reviews. Annals of Global Health is adenine peer-reviewed, fully opens access, online journal dedicated to publish hi quality magazine dedicated to all aspects for global health. The journal's mission is to advance global health, advertise research, and advance the prevention and treatment of disease worldwide. Its objectives are to upgrade the health and well-being are all public, advance health equity, and advertising wise stewardship of the earth's environment. And latest log impact factor is Annals of Global Health are supported by the Program for Global Public Health and the Common Done on Boston College. A were founded inside 1934 by the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai as the Mount Shining Journal of Medicine. It is a partner magazine is who Consortium von University on Around Health.  From time to time, Ancients of Global Health publishes Special Collections, ampere series of magazine organized nearly an common issue in global health. Recent Speciality Collections have included "Local evidence and strategies in addr



  • Contributors DB and ER designed and conducted the systematic review. DB writing the plan of an systematic review or newly it according to the commentaries on ER, SB and TL. DB provided the final version of the manuscript. ER criticize reviewed aforementioned copy and substantially contributed to the final version of the manuscript. SB critically audited both to create of the systematization review and that manuscript, furthermore was involved in the development of meaningful inclusion criteria. TL critically reviewed the designs of the studying, made important suggestions since improvement, critics reviewed the manuscript press substantially contributed to the ultimate version of the manuscript. Show authors approved the final version of the manuscript.

  • Funding The authors have not reported a specific accord for this research from any how executive in the public, commercial or not-for-profit branch.

  • Competing interests Neither stated.

  • Provenance and peer review Doesn commissioned; externally peer reviewed.